After all of these post, There have been many suggestions thrown out there, but the question remains, pretty much unanswered and the answers given seem to more approximate this is what I did as the answer... but it’s apparent there isn’t a one size fits all answer…
Now to recap, which brands list tires and sizes in the weight classification for use on small and light duty trailers that are VERIFIABLE on their web sites, in their brochures, or in their catalogs, and in their warranties???
Load Range E and below – 15 inch and below – for trailers 10,000 pounds and below…
Identifiable brands and sizes recommended by the tires manufacture as a replacement for my current ST tires, that are backed by the manufactures warranty in writing for this purpose???
Simple straight foreword questions… No debate on if the LT is better that the ST, No debate on brand, No cheerleading for one brand, and No criticizing of another brand or it place of origin…
Since I am asking about sound and verifiable information links are important…