Forum Discussion

tinner12002's avatar
Dec 18, 2014

tire wear

Just courious as to the tire wear some of you are getting on the rear of your dually...not mileage so much as wear from each tire, inside vs outside. I noticed the other day that my outside duals are nearly to the tread wear nubs but the insides are in good shape still. I run the same pressures in both so not sure why the outers are wearing faster than the inners. Any thoughts?
  • I rotate every summer at 6000 miles. 6000 miles is the total driving each year.

    This is the only set of tires I have had rotated. First dually I did it myself the only time it was done.

  • huntram wrote:
    Are you guys rotating? How often and what pattern?

    I used to do it every 5-6k miles on my srw but with the dually not sure when and if to do it. I know it will not be cheap!


    Don't rotate the rears. Front's side to side every 10K or so.
  • Are you guys rotating? How often and what pattern?

    I used to do it every 5-6k miles on my srw but with the dually not sure when and if to do it. I know it will not be cheap!

  • On my 08 F450, the inside dual always seemed to wear more. I attributed it to the crown of the poor roads that I typically drove.
  • I have basically the same truck. You are aggressive when taking off from a start. I ease into starting and have perfect wear across all tires within 1/32".

    I run 45psi solo and 60 towing with 4.5-5K pin. I always run 80 fonts. Michelin MS2's 35K and 1/3 worn.
  • I have never noticed any difference of a wear pattern from 5 sets of dually tires. Will be following this story for news.

  • I usually find it's the opposite for me. Mine wear the inside quicker.
  • Air pressure and road crown play a big part. Add the fact that the outside duals get more abuse from road debris, stones, etc and it is pretty plain.