I have been camping for more than 30 years. Never worried about the tires on the camper. Did keep them aired to the correct psi ALWAYS. So I never had any trouble, EXCEPT ONCE. It was a Goodyear Marathon. so it was NOT a cheap tire. But it was at the end of it's 4th year.
Since then. I don't let my tires get old. And I make sure the ones that I buy are really new, like the build date is only a few weeks before I let them be mounted.
Will I but any more GoodYears? No, but then, I don't put GoodYears on my truck either. I have not liked GoodYears since the early 80s. they don't hold up for me, and I don't buy them. But that is my choice.
As to TT tires. Keep them aired up. don't curb them. Curbing is the main cause of trailer tire failure. So swing wide. And then in 3 1/2 or 4 years. Get them off, and replace them with Maxxis. After 4 years, you are running on borrowed time. And after scattering one all over the highway at 60 mph. I don't want to do it again.