Redterpos3 wrote:
The debate is very interesting! My dealer said to "blow it out". After reading on this site, it sounds to me to be good to run the pink stuff through the system, pushing out all the water, and then open all the drains, and let gravity remove the bulk of pink stuff. One item my dealer says to do, is put a crushed can of soda (no soda left) in the toilet trap to keep the seal open. Others here have said to put the pink stuff in the toilet to keep the seal wet? Which is best??? I'm confused on this one! :h
is your "dealer" the same person who will profit if your system freezes up and breaks something? if something does break and you fuss at him/her his/her response will be that it is your fault since you did an inadequate job of blowing out the lines. He will never tell you that the fault was that the manufacturer left a dip in a horizontal run that accumulated the little water left clinging to the sides of the pipes after you stopped blowing.
If blowing out the system was the standard/recommended procedure, why do they bother putting in water heater bypass kits? :s