Bumpyroad wrote:
epusher wrote:
I simply hook up an adapter to the city inlet and blow 40 psi air through the system. Takes a little longer than hooking the water pump up to the antifreeze jugs. I still go through the sanitizing/flush sequence of the water system in the spring. About the only savings with air (besides $10-$15 in pink stuff) is I don't have to unscrew a panel and the pump intake. So fewer steps with air, but a little longer in time. The longer time is the multiple stops and starts at the faucet to push the final water slugs out.
For me, I should go back to anti-freeze as I won't be using the unit at all this winter. The benefit to air is its easy to repeat if using the unit during the winter.
you can also push antifreeze into the city water fill connector.
Good idea. I've got a spare water pump. Of course I still haven't finished the garbage disposal macerator pump project.