Forum Discussion

Redterpos3's avatar
Nov 12, 2013

To Not Winterize in PA?

I am wondering if anyone has kept their rig heated through the winter in central PA. Right now I'm keeping mine heated, as I still need to dump my black tank once more. I think keeping it heated through mid-december would be relatively easy (and not too costly). But Jan-Feb would be the pricey months, and dangerous if the propane gave out. My rig is in my driveway so I can keep an eye on it. But I did notice that when my propane did give out it got down to 30 degrees pretty quick:o If anyone has, what did it cost in propane??
My rig is a Nash, 4 season, enclosed tanks.
  • I am wondering if anyone has kept their rig heated through the winter in central PA. Right now I'm keeping mine heated, as I still need to dump my black tank once more

    So your basically running heat to keep black tank happy?

    I would not be so kind to it. Everybody does it differently.
    I would just pick up a bag or 2 of rock salt depending on how big your tank is. Long time before salt messes up plastic tank or rubber gaskets in valves. IMO
  • Thanks for the quick replies!! You've already confirmed my thoughts. I appreciate the help from those with more experience. I was surprised how easy winterizing was, which makes it more interesting to consider quick trips in winter! This was my first year camping, and it was glorious!!! Everytime I see an RV on the road I smile!!:)
  • Are you trying to use it throughout the winter? I don't winterize until Thanksgiving. You are right December is doable. But Jan. and Feb. you are pushing your luck and your LP use.
    Winterize it. It's foolproof everything else is a gamble. Frozen pipes cost a lot more than anti freeze
  • Not winterizing WOULD save you about $15 and 20 minutes time. Seems like a lot of risk for so little benefit

    I have gone a winner Or two that I didn't wintertime and just let my tank heaters work until we left in January for our winter trip to Texas but wouldn't do it without proper equipment.
  • Why would you want to heat it all winter when it is easy to winterize it?