May 12, 2013Explorer
Toad Campers
I am thinking about buying a basic model Toad Camper, made in North Carolina. I mainly want a place to sleep at night when traveling across country or on camping trips. Does anyone out there have on...
brookside wrote:vermilye wrote:
I've spent two years & 33,000 miles traveling solo in an Escape 17B Travel Trailer towed with a RAV4.
That again is going to be over 2,000 lbs with options of any sort and over $20,000 with the options added. You have a great set-up no doubt.
And, Gypsy, have you asked on TNTTT about teardrops that might have a dropped floor making enough room to use a porti-potti? That might be slightly better. I'm not sure what height you would be needing to use the potti but that could be computed. There just aren't many small/affordable trailers out there. Also, when I contacted the Toad camper people asking about the pictures, I got a very rude response and I let them know what I thought of it - it was by email. I have contacted a few about their websites and always had a positive response even when pointing out errors or telling them they needed to update because with old info with dates it looked like a possible deadlink and many RV manufacturers have bite the dust in the last few years.
Gosh, this would be a chance for someone with business smarts and building talents to fill a "need" in the RV industry.
Editing to say that IF I were going to look at teardrops, I thought Runaway Campers would be the one I would be interested in since it appears a little taller and I like the more square shape because I was thinking it would appear more roomy. The price seems OK too.