Forum Discussion

kennyd63's avatar
Jul 21, 2013

Toilet question..

hello -

I have a 2010 Salem P/T I need to replace the top seal that holds the water in the bowl. I was told by the repair shop that I can bring the toilet in, and they will fix it. here is the question Would I be able to use the camper with the toilet out or I'm I going to have water coming from the hose every time the water pump turns on?:h

Thank you all>>>>
  • I agree with cleaning, flexing, and lubing the seal. A dry bowl has happened to me several times and each time I do the above and I am back in 'business'.

    An alternative to olive oil is vaseline. It may work a bit better to hold the water in until the seal gets flexible again.
  • IMHO Olive oil is your friend. It cleans and lubes seal. Let it sit for at least a day. May fix it. I've never replaced a seal yet.
  • As mentioned above: It probably does not need replacing but if so, it isn't that hard and way cheaper to do it yourself.

    Not mentioned above: Your question ' Can I use the TT without the toilet?' Don't be so concerned about the 1/2" hole so much as the great stinking 3" hole in the floor. IMHO no you can't use the TT with the toilet missing.

    Marsland mentioned installing a shut-off valve behind the toilet. Good idea. You can shut the water off to the toilet and (with an adapter) connect your toilet wand to the shower hose when flushing. You don't have to drag a separate hose in the door, down the hall, etc. Some have installed a 'TEE' with a separate valve behind the toilet and attach the wand there.

  • If it doesn't already have one, I would put a shutoff valve in that line.
  • X2 on all above and your giving them all the easy work and your doing all the nasty work. After you get toilet out, replacing the parts or cleaning the blade is the easiest. And you still have to put it back in and that is you drive around to and from place where you're getting it re-built. They getting all your gravy (so to speak). Very hard to install a re-build kit and have it not work right, even if you get any parts in backwards or whatever. Just take it apart again and study instructions again. In mean time just have water line plugged off. Either with a plug bolt or if broken when using it somewhere just bend over plastic line and crimp with vice grips. Just saying
  • myredracer wrote:
    If you pull the toilet out, you should also replace the gasket that goes between the toilet and the floor flange. Don't use the old one.

    Good advice. The floor flange comes in the kit I reverenced in my post above.
  • If you pull the toilet out, you should also replace the gasket that goes between the toilet and the floor flange. Don't use the old one.
  • Before replacing toilet bowl seal.....have you cleaned it? Have you lubed it?

    Unless torn, those seals last for years.

    Clean the seal (top/bottom) thoroughly.
    Use your hand to clean it, flexing it up/down while cleaning.
    Use a wooden stick (tongue depressor works great) to scape it
    Then lube it up really well using olive oil or plumbers grease

    Many times it's just dirty....not worn out.
    Ours is 7 yrs. old and still like new
  • Yes, You will have to cap the hose.

    Get the seal kit from the dealer...about $10 and replace it yourself. Instructions come in the packet. Not all that hard and you will already have done half the job by removing the toilet...basic yourself probably $100.

    Just take in the model # of your toilet to the dealer for the correct seal kit.
  • If you remove the toilet you must plug the water feed line which is probably 1/2" plastic.