transamz9 wrote:
4x4ord wrote:
RoyJ wrote:
4x4ord wrote:
Permits and escort vehicles won't be necessary. I realize the sticker is going to have a number on it, I'm more interested in how much weight the hitch can take.
You sure about that? Or is this all off road?
At least here in BC, the legal limit is 53' length and 8.5' width just like any of the States.
Have you planned out the entire trip path to make sure all corners are negotiable? That is one BIG load!
Also, you may want a HD anti-sway setup. If it's a big box, 85' would create a ton of sway for a bumper pull.
In Alberta farmers are permitted to move their equipment down the roads. Apparently it pulls very nice down the road. What it is, is a big grain auger.
It might be different there but here you are limited to so many miles on farm tags.
I can check that out but I am quite sure our farm plate is province wide.
Here's a link to a picture of the thing.