Forum Discussion

  • pigman1 wrote:
    Before we started with self propelled RV's I never used any sway control "systems" on any of the travel trailers we pulled and never had a sway problem. When relatives had sway issues with their trailers, we re-distributed loads and their problems went away too. Load it right and sway problems go away. Too many people don't believe that and continue to look for the magic bullet.

    ^^^ This should be a sticky!
  • Before we started with self propelled RV's I never used any sway control "systems" on any of the travel trailers we pulled and never had a sway problem. When relatives had sway issues with their trailers, we re-distributed loads and their problems went away too. Load it right and sway problems go away. Too many people don't believe that and continue to look for the magic bullet.
  • Don,

    The original poster is "BOAT" oriented. BUT, with this in mind.......I do feel it shows the how weight distribution can be a BIG factor in how bad a rig will sway. It also may be, that they made the trailer like they did to show this variable in a better way, than with a typical boat trailer where the axel is set back farther.

  • Not sure why they labeled it Boating? The placement of the axle is more indicative of an RV then a boat. But a very good visual aid to show how weight can induce sway.
