Sorry, evidently my post was not clear enough for people to understand. If anyone bothers to look at the Torklift website they will see a comparison chart showing the features of Stableloads compared to AIRBAGS, compared to SWAY BARS, and compared to SHOCKS.
The ONLY upgrade that actually increases the load capacity of a truck is the AIRBAGS.
What was noticeable to me but evidently missed by everyone was the omission of SuperSprings. That is why I said it was deceptive. They compared Stableloads to airbags and no other load capacity upgrade. Had they included SuperSprings or any other set of overload springs the column would have had green check marks all the way down and a cost of $450 with an install time of 1 hour.
With few exceptions pickup trucks are not shipped from the factory ready to handle a 3,000 pound or heavier camper in the bed. Most require modification to provide safe handling with such a load with it high center of gravity.
I have installed Torklift products on my truck and recommend them to others. I have done product evaluations for them for which they offered to provide me with payment which I declined. I do not recommend their Stableloads product as I think they are the wrong way to go. Yes they reduce sway but only by reducing the range of travel of the stock leaf springs. For the same relative amount of money I would put on Supersprings and reduce sway while at the same time gaining load capacity with the additional leaf springs.
If Torklift wants to be honest they should provide a chart that includes Stableloads or adding leaf springs when compared to Stableloads.
Mark Twain commented “If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper you’re misinformed.” It would appear that many like to be both misinformed and uninformed.