Forum Discussion

zcookiemonstar's avatar
Dec 13, 2013

Torklift with happijack Tie down question

I have Torklift frame mount tie downs on my truck. I may be buying a used truck camper that has Happijack spring loaded turnbuckles with it. Does any one use that combo? any problems? what size and length chains would I need? I did not get the chains and springs with my Torklifts.
  • As you can tell by the picture,
    the rear happijacks do not use any chain and bolt to the bumper
  • I just installed Torklift frame mounts front and rear and used quick links with chain and it does a great job along with the turnbuckles.
  • I use happi jack turn buckles and torqu lift frame mounts. Took a coupler and all thread rod and extended the hook, works great.
  • Thanks everyone for the input. I am trying to go see the camper as soon as the weather will let me. It is about four hours away (in good weather) and want to be able to load it up if I buy it.
  • Using the the HJ spring load turn buckles will work fine. Chain-my original TL's was supplied with 5/16" galv chain (actually only .275 dia), using 5/16" threaded quick links (carbineers). Length will vary though. Assumption is HJ turnbuckles were used with HJ mounts. So the rears, going to the bumper button may or may not reach your TL mounts, But I cant see more than 12" of chain probably less if long rear turnbuckles.
    Fronts, if HJ bed 'ears' were used with the short turnbuckle, needed chain could be as much as 24"ea, again probably less.

    You'll need a connecting link (4)as mentioned, either a threaded quick links (so chain is removable) or a split link (not so removable), to connect chain to either TL mount or camper.

    5/16" minimum (IMO more than adequate for loads), 3/8" max for ease of use. Be sure 3/8" rod, size of turnbuckle hooks, will pass inside the chain /fittings links you get. Shouldn't be issue but there's all kinds of chain.
    Are you trying to set up in anticipation of picking up camper?
  • On my older camper I used the Torquelift frame mounted brackets with the chrome spring loaded twist style turnbuckles. Mine did use some chain lengths. Not many, I think 5-6 per mount. I did not have any issued with the use of them other than they were a bit cumbersome to fuel the pickup with. My fuel door would hit the turnbuckle unless I undid it during fueling. I have since changed to the Fastguns. That up grade is in comparison to walking a gravel road with nice shoes on as opposed to barefoot. Eitherway you go it will get the job done.

  • Who makes the turnbuckle is not of too much importance, but the length is what matters. When I first was running the combination the OP mentions, I had some chain lengths about a foot long cut, that I carried with me. I also stopped by a Tractor Supply store and bought a half dozen large screw type 3/8 inch carabineers to use to attach the chains. Worked just fine for me. Since I changed trucks and had to get new truck specific tie down mounts, I now use all the same brand. I also found it handy to carry a roll or two of black tape, to use with the chains, to secure the loose ends, if I didn't need the full length.

    I bought 3/8 inch proof coil chain, which is stronger than the attachment points on my camper, I do believe.
  • I don't have Torklift tiedowns, but I do have my own home made version of them. I used my HappiJac long chrome cushioned turnbuckles with no problems. I don't see where there would be a problem using them with Torklifts. I did not use chains with mine, I got the extra long HappiJac turnbuckles and they did not need chains.