More gears (close ratio) does help keep the ICE in it's best torque/HP
curve range, but having almost full torque just off idle is what
others are saying about the 8.1L big 7.4L Vortec and also
tossed in the 7.4L TBI
The 6.0L is a fine small block and the close ratio 6 speed makes it
even better...but having that torque down that low also a wonderful
thing to if only I can get more gears...well it is in my
plans to put in an inline 0.5 or 0.7 gear splitter to make my old
4L80E into an 8 speed...along with going from 4.1's to something in
the 4.5x range
GM 6.0L LQ4 torque curve

GM6.0Ltorquecurve 6.0Ltorquecurve
GM 8.1L L18 torque curve

GM8.1Ltorquecurve L18torquecurve 8.1Ltorquecurve L18

GM7.4Ltbtorquecurvce tbtorquecurve 7.4ltbtorquecurve
IIRC, my spec sheet from the day I ordered mine said 410 Ft/lb torque at 1,800 RPMs...

GM7.4LVortectorquecurve 7.4Lvortectorque 7.4LvortecL29 L297.4Ltorque