Forum Discussion

IsemanRacing48's avatar
Jan 22, 2014

Tow Vehicle Gas/Diesel?

I am new to the forum. I have been looking around and reading. I pull about 5000 lb trailer almost every week. I am currently using a 1995 Chevy Tahoe. The fuel mileage is about 6-7 mpg most of the time. I am going to sell or trade. Trying to decide to stay gas or go back to diesel. I have read and talked to different people they say the 5.3 in the chevy/gmc get around 10-11 mpg pulling.
Very unsure of what to do. We did have a 1996 Dodge Ram 2500 2wd Auto, I think pulling it would get 14-15 mpg. Not sure it has been so long.
I have done lots of reading and everyone is talking about gearing etc. I know most people will say MPG and pulling don't go together, we average 300 miles a weekend April-Sept pulling. So it is kind of important for us.
The 1995 Chevy Tahoe is TBI so I am thinking even if I go to a little newer that it will do better on fuel?
Thanks for all your time
  • 5000 lbs, go with the gas. I have pulled 6000 lbs of boat and trailer with my old suburban big block 454. It did fine. Fuel is cheaper as is the vehicle. You're well within the gas weight.
  • So if I did the math right you expect to tow 10,000mi a year?

    That would be a tough decision for me, but that kind of mileage would push me toward the diesel.

    Your trailer is on the light end of a diesel's capability. A gasser would make more sense for the weight being towed, but the miles travelled would push me toward the diesel.
  • 5,000 pounds? You don't need need a truck for that. If you really want the lowest cost/mile, a Crown Victoria would probably be the least expensive. You can pick up used police cruisers for $1500, add on the tow package goodies for probably $500, and when unloaded you can get mid-20s for fuel economy.
  • My 2002 Tahoe pulling a 20 foot TT only got 10 MPG. My Cummins dually pulling 13,500 pounds gets 10.5-11.5 MPG. A diesel definitely will return better fuel economy. But at what price. The 7000 dollar premium does add to the cost per mile. Unless you plan to keep it for 10 years or so, it may or may not be worth it to you.
  • Welcome to the board.

    You can search and find thousands of posts on Gas VS Diesel. I am actually getting popcorn ready because these posts can get interesting and entertaining.

    As for my opinion, you see my TV down below. It is down to your educated decision. I personally like diesel. Others like gas. Others like to use oxen. It is all a personal preference.