I've got a 13 EB with the MaxTow and 3.73 gears. Tows my #7000 GVWR trailer just fine, but it was a change from when I towed my #5000 GVWR trailer before..
I do run premium fuel now and that actually made a difference. I've done some other suspension mods just to make the towing experience better for me. Installed some Bilstein 5100 shocks, Hellwig overload springs and some PowerStop Z36 brake rotors and pads.

Engine wise, it's all stock. The manual suggests running premium fuel when towing and I didn't do that with the #5000 trailer. Didn't run it on the first tow with the #7000 trailer and it was a dog... Next trip, ran a couple of tanks of premium before towing and it was back to the same performance as the old #5000 trailer.. Been running it ever since.
Anyway, the new 3.5's are a different gen from mine, and the trucks are different too, but in the end there is "ECO" mode for these things and there is "BOOST" mode.. The two won't mix however.. You either have "ECO" or you have "BOOST".. In boost mode, it'll still only get 8-10 mpgs towing..
Good luck! Mitch