donn0128 wrote:
Mcwr? Thats a new one. What is that?
As for add ons? There is absolutely NOTHING that will alter or increase the manufacturers ratings. If you choose to try stuff, air bags are probably the best. But then you have to be careful not to overload the tires or axles. Modifying them could work, but then you next worries would be wheels followed by frame strength. Where does it all end? Transmission rebuild, then front end build, then drive shaft. By that time you will have thousands invested when probably for less money you could have simply bought a newer truck with more load carrying capacity.
Are you just the eternal pessimist or any real info to back this up? Considering it's essentially the same chassis as a 2016 F350.......
Agree there's a difference between the old rig and a newer one, and that is age and wear and tear. With an older rig you gotta be smart, new rig just gotta have money.
A lot of donnos points above apply, but not for the stated reasons, more so you should look at the overall mileage/health and condtion of the truck. It's could be clapped out and not fit to run to the beer store or it could be the most meticulously maintained capable vehicle you've ever seen. We cannot judge that from a simple post.