popeyemth wrote:
RandK-M wrote:
What the heck happened to this forum?
The guy asked a simple question about tandem towing and by the tone of many of the responses here, one would think he was asking about strapping a puppy to the bumper of his trailer and towing it all with a Volkswagen Beetle.
I agree tandem towing with a light trailer that's not designed for it is probably a bad idea, but berating him about knowledge of physics, etc is over the top and just not very nice at all. I thought most camping people were much more friendly and this.
At least the poster asked for others opinions. Many do risky things without asking first.
The guy asked a simple question and was told no, you can't just swap bumpers and pull another trailer, and it was even explained why.
His response was to argue and evidence disbelief.
So an argument he got.
Personally I think he's a troll hence my remark that he won't be back.
The only troll I see in here is you. I am still here.
And for the record I never once said, I think you guys are wrong. I explored my question for further explanation to completely understand why it isn't possible, but got attacked instead. I apologize for not immediately believing everything I read on the internet to be the gospel truth and questioning/probing the idealogy behind the answer more.
If the manufacturer doesn't reply, or replies that I can't do it, I can't do it. And will either have to take one item or the other or invest in another TV.
But really, I am so glad you can tell what kind of person I am through a few words typed on a keyboard...