Campfire Time wrote:
08trdoffroad wrote:
The only troll I see in here is you. I am still here.
And for the record I never once said, I think you guys are wrong. I explored my question for further explanation, but got attacked instead. If the manufacturer doesn't reply, or replies that I can't do what I am considering, so be it.
I am so glad you can tell what kind of person I am through a few words typed on a keyboard...
Well then I apologize. I was wrong.
That said, I wish you have typed up just a few more words to explain. Still, you say you didn't tell us we were wrong, but I have to say, you didn't say we are probably right either. In fact rather than acknowledge information you were given, all of your responses ignored what we said and pointed to anecdotal information that you are using to try and reason that its going to be OK to put the hitch on. So as the thread progressed most of us naturally felt like you weren't happy to get the answers we gave you.
I am not "an Internet tough guy". I am here to help people and get helped. But you left a very bad impression. Again, I interpreted that wrong, and I'm sorry for that. But I felt like I got slapped in the face for my post.
I thought my original post pointed out that there was a pretty decent thought in my head that it wasn't possible so it went without saying, when I could have simply said, I understand that is probably isn't possible, but would like further explanation as to why. Had I not been posting from my phone and been sitting at a computer, my posts would have been much more detailed. Obviously I was hoping it would be possible, and was very disappointed to have my suspicion that it wasn't confirmed (some in a not very nice way). So I obviously wanted to probe and question further to fully explore the idea and understand the reasoning behind why it can't or shouldn't be done before I wrote the idea off. Obviously not being able to tow both trailers with one vehicle is quite a PITA, especially when my wife and I do not own another vehicle capable of even towing the boat.
I appreciate your willingness to acknowledge and resolve the misunderstanding! And I also acknowledge I was partly to blame.