Try to find a camper that doesn't have any drop down in the overhang behind the truck bed, rather flat at bed height. This allows for an overall shorter hitch extension. You have a 2.5 or 3" receiver, correct?
Just use the minimum length soild draw bar extension IMO. I've towed our X2, similar weight and load as your Sanger with 12" extension, shorter bed 6-4 on our dodge and camper is 8-9 effectively 9' because it's spaced back a couple extra inches.
Only thing I couldn't do was full Jack knife to 90 deg w the trailer. Carried another slip in extension in case I had to back it around a tight corner.
Tailgate on or off? I do either depending if I need the tailgate when I get there.
If you're 8-8.5' camper with ford short bed you may not need much hitch extension.