Mike Up wrote:
EcoBullet wrote:
Mike Up,
When towing on the highway, who wants to drop to low gears for torque when you can keep on quietly truckin'?

Wheel horsepower and torque are more important as flywheel power can be a pipe dream as is seen with the 2009/2010 5.4L power output. My 2012 5.0L has much more torque at lower and higher rpms despite my 2010's 5.4L flywheel torque being supposedly higher at lower rpms.
Here's a more representative dyno with an apples to apples comparison. No tuning to favor the other, just straight up apples to apples thanks to Pickuptrucks.com

I don't know where Pickuptrucks got these dyno charts but I guarantee they are bogus. We are pulling a 6500# 28' tt with our ecoboost and I can cruise all day on the highway in 6th gear at a little under 1800rpm. If I hit any moderate hills it will kick down to 5th and the revs go up to about 2200. According to their chart I shouldn't be able to even move at those revs having virtually 0 power and torque at anything under 2000 revs.
To the op, the ecoboost has not had any serious problems. They did have a condensation problem with the intercooler on a few early trucks and contrary to what Mike says Ford has fixed that problem. I only have about 8000 miles on mine so far (about 5000 miles towing) and have had zero problems. I love my Ford and would heartily recommend it as an excellent tow vehicle.