Goodness gracious. Well, I went away and thought about it for a while. I appreciate all of the input, even some of the technical data even though I'm a yep it'll work, nope, won't work kinda guy. I received PMs that were helpful, scary and funny.
We've decided to keep our MH until Pam retires then do something. That's about a year and a half. I've looked at a lot of trucks, thought about what we like, don't like, willing to put up with and not willing to put up with. Unlike a lot of people (maybe) we tend to want smaller, not bigger. Now, I've decided to go with a half ton truck and the Ford is in the lead because I just don't quite have a lot of faith in the Italian built diesel going into the new Ram 1500. Yeah, I know they've built a gazillion of them but Fiat has built a megagazillion cars and I won't own another Fiat either.
So with the MH (25 footer) waiting to go to Disney in January, the Smokeys in April and a 350 mile bicycle tour with my son in May, things are going to be a little busy. If the MH breaks (10 yrs old)it will go away quicker and the truck and trailer will be in my drive. The trailer might get smaller as I went out in the garage today and looked at my tents, lanterns, cots, dutch ovens and thought, hmmm, maybe. Lovely wife even looked longingly at a Aliner the other day. Small is good when you cannot resist the pig trail. The truck will be a half ton, very likely a Ford with less than 25,000 miles and lovely wife wants a white one. Suits me. Thanks all.