Larryzv7 wrote:
Why do you think States, like California, have a maximum speed of 55-mph when towing? Someone told me that the tires on most trailers, including semi-trucks, are not made for speeds over 55-mph; is this correct?
I drove a semi-tanker in CA for 32 years. The truck/towing speed limit has been 55 ever since I can remember, and it has nothing to do with tires. Here in Arizona the speed limit for all traffic is the same; trucks, cars pulling trailers, motorhomes with Toads, you name it. The freeway speed limit outside of the cities is 75mph for everyone.
The 55mph limit in CA generates a lot of income for the State. That is probably the main reason it hasn't been changed in decades.
The other problem for those towing in California is that on a multiple lane freeway those towing are restricted to the 2 right lanes. Going into lanes other than those can result in a citation. On a 2 or 3 lane freeway passing is allowed, but you must return to the slow lane within 1/4 mile, or risk a citation. That creates major safety issues when vehicles are trying to enter or exit and many times results in an accident where the truck gets cutoff.
Again, in AZ and many other States trucks and towing vehicles can occupy any lane unless posted. When I drove from LA to Phoenix once I entered the city I always drove either in the number 1 or 2 lane to avoid entering and exiting conflicts. The end result is safer travel for all concerned and less chance of being cutoff by some distracted driver.
Goodyear used to have a speed limitation on their ST Marathon tires of 65mph. I usually don't tow my TT faster than that anyway because of fuel consumption.