Carluvr wrote:
pappcam wrote:
Dannyabear1 wrote:
The ridgeline has a chassis like a truck; I think wd hitch will work.
Not entirely true. It's a sort of unibody/ladder frame hybrid which is why they don't recommend using a WDH. It's basically their minivan frame beefed up a little bit.
It's not really a truck which is the reason for Honda's warning about WDH's.
X2. The Ridgline is a slightly beefed-up version of the chassis for their minivan, the Odyssey. Not really designed for towing anything larger than a pop-up although many tow much larger trailers with them, but for how long?
If you mean slightly beefed up as meaning they added a frame under it then yes. I would venture to say that the structure is probably very strong like a laminated I beam.

Honda designed this thing with homeowners in mind not RVers, but it's not such a slouch that so many think it is. It just doesn't look so manly, and it seems that's why so many******on it.