it might be "OK" with some people to tow with the propane on but we pro's like the RV Doctor and the guy from RV education 101 and myself do not recommend it. you can see by the above posts that many have done it for years and never had a problem. some tunnels do not allow it, some forget to turn it off at the gas station and blow up half the station before they can blink an eye. seen that and it was no fun putting a fire out like that. I use reusable ice packs to keep my frig cold and never lost any food to spoilage. refreeze once I get to camp. I worked hard for my TT and my truck, don't want a bad mistake causing it to burn up when there are better ways of traveling with out burning up some guys gas station or what ever. oh yes, there is also the guy out there who will tell you that is why I have insurance. I think that guy is an idiot and I do not want to gas up next to him. that person is a danger to others.