ah64id wrote:
Small, and I do mean small like a 2% rise for 1/2 mile, would send both rigs screaming. One guy was so annoyed he slowed to 55 in a flat stretch of a 75 mph zone to quit listening to the motor.
The other guy towed with it for a summer and now has a diesel, and said the tundra doesn't even hold a candle to the way a HD pickup tows it.
They both said the tundra has the power, just needs way too many rpms to make it.
Maybe it's the elevation out here? But 2 rigs with nearly identical trailers is not a fluke.
First of all, a bone stock Tundra is WHISPER QUIET, even at 4500 RPMs. Second of all, I have towed my 6500 lbs trailer (with a LOUD aftermarket exhaust) to Florida and back 3 times (about 2000 mile round trip) and never run into these alleged problems even hitting 6% grades. Third, obviously a HD diesel pickup will tow with more power and lower RPM. Fourth, naturally aspirated engines all require higher RPM's to make power. It isn't a problem, its not damaging the engine... that's how they were designed to operate.
Some people don't like to let a gas engine rev, that is their prerogative, that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with truck.