Oh by the way........ The reason I haven't responded with more information is that I don't have any! We're totally new to this idea of buying 2 things..........the vehicle and the trailer. We don't even know enough to know what questions to ask so I started out with a general statement about how great my Toyota Avalon was and wondering If the Toyota tundra was a good choice. ??? Then the first trailer....ever.... We looked at was a 32 Jayco lite........and the sales guy told us if we bought a tundra it wouldn't pull it......then the Toyota dealer said he was wrong......so then I found this blog and figured if I posed the question, you guys would know. So y'all don't realize how hard this is for a newbie! You're so experienced that you' ve forgotten how hard it is to just get started and all the different and confusing information there is out there. There's only one thing we know and that is that we'd like to do things right for our safety and those others on the road. We need your experience and information to pick the right towing vehicle and the right trailer. Better to ask for advice now BFORE any purchase than be sorry after.