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AnEv942's avatar
May 22, 2016

TP roll holder

Campers wet bath gets a new toilet paper holder.

Ive seen these for ever -Oceanair Dryroll paper holder. Seemed a perfect solve for wet bath. However $50-60 price always set me back so dealt with what we had. Paper on the back side of door worked as far as kept it dry butt...

The issue: to say the least use of the on door roll inconvenient.

The solve.

Stumbled upon folks selling for half of what I'd seen before and ordered. Unit arrived, Oceanair Dry Roll, pretty nice. Now I need to figure out if it will fit...
Wall opposite toilet faces the wardrobe closet with propane tank under neath. I guestimated there was room between to flush mount, needs 2 7/8". Tried measuring by pulling out drawer above propane tank box and measuring from back side of shower wall to door frame. Then measured inside bath to door frame. A lot of subtractive numbers still only told me 'it's close' and it 'might' fit. Decided only way to really verify was drilling a hole. Figured once thru I could accurately verify fit and there isn't any structural members inside wall. If doesn't fit I'll plug hole or use for something.

Drill went thru fiberglass then within 1/4" hit again. Wall is about 1 1/4 thick? probed around and there's a layer of luan directly on other side of fiberglass. Puzzling but drilled thru. From the closet side probed some more. What I determined was its the closet wall. Not attached to shower wall. 2 layers of luan with 1x2 frame inside. Ive been in the door wall which is attached to fiberglass. Kinda thru me. Measuring thru drill hole and I got 3" to bubble wrap on propane box. Mile of room.

Stalled...Took me 2 hours to finally cut. Work around for 1/2" hole easy if something went awry, Cutting a 6" square gave me great pause. Though did give the time to note; mounted in center of wall directly in front of toilet where I was going to mount, when standing at the sink you'd be bumping it. Moved it closer to sink, perfect.
Taking that as an OK to proceed, taped up provided template and more tape to protect fiberglass. Drilled corner holes. Used a jig saw for shorter stroke and cutting all 3 walls at once. Wheel or sonic cutter would have cut fiberglass cleaner but more mess. Used fairly coarse blade. Chipped the glass a bit but cut luan like paper, as long as I kept feed slow, otherwise the luan started bouncing.

Then cutting various thickness of spacers to fill wall voids.

Inserted with a profuse amount of glue. Used several clamps, let it set overnight. Next day removed clamps filed & cleaned up the hole. Getting ready to install holder noted the last step in instructions.

Um -how do you do that? Should be like step between steps 5 & 6. Dry fit then caulk.

You need to caulk the mount the flange to body, from the back side BEFORE mounting and regardless of how much water might be seen as theres a good 1/8" gap at sides.
Caulked flange to body then laid a bead on flange surface, mounted to wall. I over-sized the holes thru fiberglass, pilot thru wood. Used longer screws to go completely into and thru wood. Bigger heads necessitated installing the flat faced bungs upside down as they wouldn't set flush, inside edge is round. That works. Installed.

The lid has a gear that spins roll pulling the paper back in or out, kinda neat. Also keeps from freely spooling. Not real consistent in delivery but then again this isn't a dispenser. Paper will still roll on the tube like normal holder. We'll probably use like this, partially open so splash from sink doesn't get paper wet.

Removed the old holder-nice, full access into cabinet.
Id add when I ordered it was described as off white, half expecting beige or ivory as picture looked dark, but looks white to me. DR-W-RP.

  • Mine has a similar tp holder as the new one although I think yours is probably higher quality. Mine works fine, so I expect yours will be fine as well.
  • This is exactly what I am doing to my Lance right now. Have the supplies just haven't cut the holes. Who ever thought placing the TP holder on the door right by your knee, needs to be let go ;)