Jul 30, 2017Nomad II
TR Somewhere over the Rainbow
I finally had a weekend off, Ruth was out of town on business, no excuses. I spent two days loading up my fly fishing gear, human and dog food. I was going to head out of town after work traffic or no traffic and head for the eastern slope of the Sierras. The West Fork of the Carson River.
So with a little bit of daylight left we headed off using the back road out of town

the traffic on the Altamont Pass of I580 was fairly light for a Friday Night

my dogs were soon asleep

3 and half hour later after a fuel stop and cresting Carson Pass at 8652' we descended to Blue Lakes rd
and headed up to the dispersed camping along the Carson River....
Just my luck there was going to be a wedding Saturday in the meadow and a lot of the guests were camping out. The place was packed. One nice thing about a TC if you can find a place to park the truck you are camped. I found such a spot with no one within a couple of hundred feet of me and called it good. It turned out to be a great spot.

I had a cheap cold drink before turning in.

I had the cabover hatch open and the fantastic fan going. I was ready for a nice crisp cool night as I was ready with my furry bed warmers

It was a bit nippy in the morning at 39* down jacket time

turns out I had a nice campsite with a great view

the dogs liked it

well it was time to pull on the new waders set up the new fly rod and head onto the river

I caught a 11” brown trout here on a #18 mosquito

very short video to give you an idea of the water flow
mid day was in the low 80s not hot enough to want to pull out the generator and sit inside the TC with the AC going so I was glad that I brought along my pop up to sit in the shade, drink cold drinks hang out with the dogs and enjoy the view.

that and ice cold watermelon from the fridge

which I shared with my buddies

Saturday night called for a nice meal. Grilled Porterhouse steak with steamed green beans and some Hagen Daas vanilla bean ice cream with Blueberries for dessert

I turned in early and at 3am I woke up to the sound of rain on the roof of the TC, I was glad that I only had the hatch over the bed open on its lowest setting so no rain could get in and I quickly fell back asleep. At their normal crack of dawn habit the dogs woke me up with that dad we need to go outside and take care of business whine. I got dressed and out we went... OMG what a glorious morning to behold..Somewhere over the rainbow.

as the sun climbed higher the dogs romped in the tall grass as I got ready to break camp and head off to fish the section of the river just above hwy 89

after breaking camp I drove for about 30 minutes then parked. Tossed on my waders and headed across the meadow to the river. Such the spectacular place

you can just make out the roof of my TC on the left side of the photo where the tall trees on the left intersect with the snowy ridge in the background

I hooked into two nice trout but lost both of them, yeah I cussed up a storm. Finally it got to hot so I headed back to the TC. Let the dogs out to pee then started back up Carson Pass figuring that if one of the lakes looked non windy and not crowded I would pull out the float tube and fish some more.
Carson Spur

I ended up fishing for and hour or so at Lower Bear reservoir by the dam util the winds came up using a fast sinking fly line...not a hit but it sure was nice out there

kindred soul driving past my rig with Kayaks on top of his

I finally called it a day and headed home with the dogs riding in the back seat

It was 107* out when I stopped for fuel in Jackson and I just made Lockeford before Lodi archery closed and picked up 6 new hunting arrows.
All in all a glorious weekend
So with a little bit of daylight left we headed off using the back road out of town
the traffic on the Altamont Pass of I580 was fairly light for a Friday Night
my dogs were soon asleep
3 and half hour later after a fuel stop and cresting Carson Pass at 8652' we descended to Blue Lakes rd
and headed up to the dispersed camping along the Carson River....
Just my luck there was going to be a wedding Saturday in the meadow and a lot of the guests were camping out. The place was packed. One nice thing about a TC if you can find a place to park the truck you are camped. I found such a spot with no one within a couple of hundred feet of me and called it good. It turned out to be a great spot.
I had a cheap cold drink before turning in.
I had the cabover hatch open and the fantastic fan going. I was ready for a nice crisp cool night as I was ready with my furry bed warmers
It was a bit nippy in the morning at 39* down jacket time
turns out I had a nice campsite with a great view
the dogs liked it
well it was time to pull on the new waders set up the new fly rod and head onto the river
I caught a 11” brown trout here on a #18 mosquito
very short video to give you an idea of the water flow
mid day was in the low 80s not hot enough to want to pull out the generator and sit inside the TC with the AC going so I was glad that I brought along my pop up to sit in the shade, drink cold drinks hang out with the dogs and enjoy the view.
that and ice cold watermelon from the fridge
which I shared with my buddies
Saturday night called for a nice meal. Grilled Porterhouse steak with steamed green beans and some Hagen Daas vanilla bean ice cream with Blueberries for dessert
I turned in early and at 3am I woke up to the sound of rain on the roof of the TC, I was glad that I only had the hatch over the bed open on its lowest setting so no rain could get in and I quickly fell back asleep. At their normal crack of dawn habit the dogs woke me up with that dad we need to go outside and take care of business whine. I got dressed and out we went... OMG what a glorious morning to behold..Somewhere over the rainbow.
as the sun climbed higher the dogs romped in the tall grass as I got ready to break camp and head off to fish the section of the river just above hwy 89
after breaking camp I drove for about 30 minutes then parked. Tossed on my waders and headed across the meadow to the river. Such the spectacular place
you can just make out the roof of my TC on the left side of the photo where the tall trees on the left intersect with the snowy ridge in the background
I hooked into two nice trout but lost both of them, yeah I cussed up a storm. Finally it got to hot so I headed back to the TC. Let the dogs out to pee then started back up Carson Pass figuring that if one of the lakes looked non windy and not crowded I would pull out the float tube and fish some more.
Carson Spur
I ended up fishing for and hour or so at Lower Bear reservoir by the dam util the winds came up using a fast sinking fly line...not a hit but it sure was nice out there
kindred soul driving past my rig with Kayaks on top of his
I finally called it a day and headed home with the dogs riding in the back seat
It was 107* out when I stopped for fuel in Jackson and I just made Lockeford before Lodi archery closed and picked up 6 new hunting arrows.
All in all a glorious weekend