DennisVR wrote:
anutami, great pictures. We are in Yuma and heading for Borrego Springs tomorrow. Where can you advise me to Boondock with a 40' trailer. I was told of Pegleg area was a good place, but is there a better one. Also where do I go to see those beautiful rock formations you show in you pics. Any other info you can offer me would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Yeah the pegleg area is huge and very open. Its also close to borrego springs. If you want to venture to the northwest area of the park blair valley is real nice right now. I see large rigsin there all the time. Mountain palm springs campground is free and room to get a large trailer in. The best place is Egg mountain, which has a nice spot.
Here is a link to a trip when I had my trailer and camped up there
Egg mountain clickyThe rock formations are at piedras grandes, near to town of ocotillo. You will need a 4wd vehicle to reach them.