I put the Lippert cushioned equalizer on our second trailer, and couldn't tell the difference. Later we switched to the MORryde SRE4000. Wow what a difference. So, even though the third trailer came with the Dexter cushioned equalizer, we took the new trailer straight from the dealer to the axle shop for SRE4000 and MORryde X-Factor braces on all 3 hanger pairs. I highly recommend the SRE4000 for 5K to 6K axles. MORryde also recommends the X-Factor on the center pair of hangers. You do need 3" of tire clearance above the tires prior to installation of the SRE4000--it will raise your trailer creating an additional 1" of clearance. It needs 4" of clearance to work since it changes shock into movement. I truly believe that the SRE4000 greatly reduces "shaken trailer syndrome". Full disclosure: we also had disk brakes, heavier axles, and wet bolt kit installed at the same time. Our non-RV friends cannot believe we put that much money into a new trailer. We just decided to get it all done immediately when new instead of dribbling it out over a few years.