Hmm. I seem to have stretched my own trailer tongue at home with a pretty cheap wire-feed mig.
I don't think the question was "what is easy to do with bolt on parts"', it was "which is structurally better".
If you aren't a good welder and able to figure out how to build something strong, you couid take the trailer to someone who is and have it made however you want for less than the $$ you spend on one of those Super Hitches and crazy extensions that decrease your safe capacity.
There's no way you can show that hanging the hitch further behind the axle is structurally better. It just isn't - and as indisputable "you guys prove it your own selves", how many of you use a hitch extension when your camper isn't on and you don't have to? Why not?
If you tow with a longer tongue and no camper on, the only ill effect is the trailer is a bit longer, which actually makes it tow straighter.
I rest my case.