BenK wrote:
Most all of today's automatics have a better closed venting system, so
humidity intrusion is not as high, but it is still there
Wrong. All automatics are vented to atmosphere.
BenK wrote:
As I said earlier:
In extreme ambients...with the ATF external aux cooler AFTER the main
engine radiator, will have the AFT cooled down too low and out of it's
temp range
This is why I think installing the ATV external aux cooler before the
main radiator in extreme ambients will warm or heat up the AFT
No, it will NOT heat up the ATF. Routed this way it won't cool it as much. But why install a second cooler if you don't want additional cooling? Routing it the way you propose is just a lower efficiency way of cooling the ATF. In colder weather it doesn't cool the ATF as much, and in hot weather it doesn't cool it as much. Either spec the second cooler smaller and route it correctly, or just leave the secondary cooler out of the picture all together. You're spending money for a second cooler, then neutering it's function. That doesn't make any sense.
BenK wrote:
In the closed metal tubing and synthetic tubing...there is no 'air'
pocket for any moisture in there to vaporize. It needs a chamber where
there is a gaseous volume to receive the moisture/vapor.
Correct. The air is in the transmission, and since it is vented to atmosphere it can and will pick up moisture from humidity.
BenK wrote: extreme ambient (cold). If not in extreme cold...then makes
no matter which...before or after the main radiator
Wrong again. It does make a difference.
You're doing a lot of thought experiments. Get some vehicles and a few hundred thermocouples and run your own tests like I did. Then you'll understand.