slashnburn wrote:
Terryallan wrote:
Look at APEX/My 30' Apex bunk house came in at 4811lb dry, and right at 6000lbs loaded. Tows easy. Look around. what you need it out there.
That is probably what we're going to go with. The Sunset Trails isn't readily available around here. Do you have the 288BHS? Do you like it? Did you can any upgrades?
I have a 2013 288BHS. I like We like it fine. The only problem we hade with it, was that it sat to low. Which I thought I wanted at the time. but it was bad to drag the rear end on up hill transitions. So I had it raised. I don't think the newer ones sit as low as mine did. We also didn't like the hard master bed. I had a friend that worked at a foam factory cut us a 4" piece of foam, and put it under the bed. Sleeps REAL GOOD now. The only other thing I did to is, was to add hold up shocks to the bed storage. It didn't have any.
It tows great, and had held up very well. It is now 8 years old, and far as I know doesn't leak. Well it did leak alittle thru one of the top clearance lights. Not all the way thru, but got the carboard wet under the GelCoat, and buckled a little. but has now pulled it self back to where it was. That was last fall. Really my fault. I missed recaulking that light when I did all the rest of the caulking.
I wax it once a year, and it sits under a pole shed. It still looks very nice. We can't complain about it, It was bought to sleep the entire family, and it has. we had 10 people sleeping in it at the beach for several years. Been thru 2 hurricanes, and a couple near miss tornadoes. which is really nothing to compare with the 65 MPH earthquake it goes thru every time it leaves the yard.
What ever you get. remember the first rule. Enjoy!, and NEVER make it harder than it has to be.