Forum Discussion

bstar1952's avatar
Mar 11, 2015

Travel Trailer Inspection in Texas

Anyone had to renew their TT registration in Texas since 1 March? I tried today and was told the TT had to be inspected before I could renew. From what I was told, everything is in a database now. What a bunch of BS, I've owned a TT for over 20 years and never had to get it inspected. Took it to a regular inspection station and the guy didn't have a clue what to inspect,just looked at the lights and tires. IMO, this is just another way to squeeze a "little more" from us. I am truly disgusted.
  • I agree. To explain why would be a political answer and the moderators are intolerant of such things. Texas is the only location I've been forced to travel through and constantly run into hassles unlike every state in the union. To my knowledge they are also one of two states whom constantly speak of leaving the United States.
  • coolbreeze01 wrote:
    Mr. Camper wrote:
    Stay in the USA and avoid Texas at all times.

    Good 1

    says the guy from the land of the nuts and fruits...... :)
  • Any inspection station that does big trucks should be able to do the inspection. They only check lights and tires, I think. The RV dealers do them too. Check with them.
  • spike99 wrote:
    ... mandatory new laws - because the few stupid folks don't use common sense. Now, all must suffer (very sad face).

    It is not a "mandatory new law". Texas has required trailer inspections for many years. Most folks just ignored the law because it was unlikely you'd be caught.

    What they've done now is to tie the inspection to the issuance of tags. No inspection, no tags.

    It's going to be a PITA because most inspection stations don't have parking lots big enough for our trailers.
  • Texas law has required an annual safety inspection on most 5th wheels and larger bumper-pull trailers (the current law says anything over 4500 lbs) for years.
    The law was seldom enforced, and a lot of owners didn't bother to have it done.
    That is now a thing of the past. The new single-sticker system for inspection and registration means you can't renew your license plates without a current safety inspection in the State's computer system.
  • Trailers in TX above 5,000 lbs, I think, have long been required to have an inspection. Although few people actually do it including myself. But now they are tying the registration to the fact the trailer does in fact have valid inspection. Not a new requirement, just a new way to inforce it. I will have to do it within the next 3 months.

    Brakes, lights, and tires is about all there is for a trailer. There are some inspection stations geared to do RVs and do know about the requirements.
  • I believe anything over 4500 pounds has always had to be inspected it just wasn't enforced, just think of yourself as screwing the system for 20 years then you will feel better.