Forum Discussion

peejaykay's avatar
Nov 08, 2014

Travel trailer Inusrance

Who are you guys going through for travel trailer insurance? What should I expect to pay with a clean driving record, $1000 deductibles and roadside assistance for a new paid $~33k trailer? 20 days a year of use, 3500 miles or so.

I found quotes from Progressive and Good Sam to be similar at $350/yr.

I most concerned with ensuring a blowout caused damage is insured, delams or water damage from faulty valves. That kind of thing, stuff that would cause major damage.

What has been your experience with TT insurers? I have USAA for my cars now. Their website points me to Progressive.
  • We have ERIE. Full coverage w/1200 deduction. New tailgate $1100 so ate that. Broke hitch on a man lift and basket rammed it.
  • Delam would be maintenance related? I didn't think it was. What about blowout caused body damage? Is that something insurance would cover?
  • We are in Ontario so our policies may be different from in the US.

    We have a a separate policy for our TT. It has a full replacement value, no depreciation, fire, theft and liability. Contents come under this policy also. Coverage is year round and is $500 deductible.
    We pay $190 Canadian a year.
  • Same as above here but don't plan on ins. paying for delam or anything else they can deem "maintenance related".
  • I have my TT insurance thru my Auto Policy ( Hartford AARP)for our 2014 Jayco Eagle. Premium is $110. per year. Thief within the trailer is cover under my Home Owners policy. The trailer in case of total total loss is prorated by the RV Blue Book. Collision or Personal Liability terms are the same as my auto coverage. No Towing is included because I did not purchase it (I have free towing for one year from Jayco).
    When I compared Good Sam's policy and costs they mirrored my Hartford Policy, but the cost was 2 times higher.( they cover many items which were already part of my auto or home owners policies. Many of these RV Policies over lap many of the coverage's provided by your auto and home owners coverage.
    Ask a lot of questions to the insurance carriers, I have outlined above. You will see there is over lap and a rider on your auto policy will give you good coverage. I was not impressed with the Good Sam insurance and the poor response to my many questions re coverage.
    To get coverage to cover De lamination you would need to go to a extended warrant policy and I then, doubt if any extended policy would cover that. It like rust on your car, its not covered. If the delamination was caused by damage ect. the standard insurance (my Hartford policy) policy would cover that damage.
    Good Luck it certainly gets interesting when you really drill down asking the insurance carriers EXACTLY what they cover.