Forum Discussion

flintshooter's avatar
Aug 19, 2013

Traveling with a full water tank

My wife has been researching TT in anticipation of buying a new one and came across an interesting comment. A fellow camper was traveling with a full water tank and at some point on the journey, the tank fell off while driving. When they contacted the manufacturer they were told it is not covered under warranty. Further, they were told that the warranty specifically warns against this practice. I know we travel with a full tank (30 gallons)if we know there is no hookup where we are going and after reading the forums for some time it appears to be a common practice. Any of you folks heard about this or had any experience with a self ejecting tank?
  • hermy wrote:
    Water weighs about 8 lbs/gal so the tanks do get heavy- and when you hit a hump or a bump that weight can multiply. But still, what good is a tank if you can't haul anything in it? I did have trouble with my tank (poor design) but I put extra support under it so I can haul a full tank now. How can you go camping if you can't take water with you?

    I take a little in the tank for enroute uses and then fill up at or near my destination.
  • Water weighs about 8 lbs/gal so the tanks do get heavy- and when you hit a hump or a bump that weight can multiply. But still, what good is a tank if you can't haul anything in it? I did have trouble with my tank (poor design) but I put extra support under it so I can haul a full tank now. How can you go camping if you can't take water with you?
  • Hmmmmmm, a lot depends on the manufactur. My old Alpenlite had a 100 gallon fresh tank. We usually traveled cross country with it at least 1/2 to 3/4 full. We traveled for a couple hours local with it totally full and never ever had a problem with any of our tanks. Now with our Montana the tanks appear to be fairly weak. We have read where they will burst and drop too. In fact I over filled my galley tank it it burst to where they had to replace it. The fresh tank is only 60 gal I think and we still travel with it 1/4-1/2 filled and so far so good on it.....Oh and my extended warranty did replace my galley tank..
  • I,ve heard of tanks falling out ,just plain poor quality workmanship. they could do a hole lot of damage .my guess thats why no warrenty .
  • I think you have just learned that not all claims made on the Internet are completely factual. :)
  • That would be real hard on my unit as the tank is built into the basement above the lower floor. I call