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garryk6's avatar
Mar 12, 2014

Trip Report: First trip 2014 Kodiak, Alaska

Well, we "broke the ice". This winter has been mild, and since we put the camper on the truck two weekends ago to cleanup the side if the garage and split a few cord of wood in preparation for the "new" F700 coming home next month... This gave us the excuse we needed to go camping.
Momma had to go to WA with friends for a memorial service. So dad and the 4 kids decided to load up and pack up. We left Friday evening and drove the 40 miles in an hour and a half. Braving icy, potholed, frost heaved and muddy gravel roads to our favorite beach camping spot.
The two oldest moved their bedding and bags to the cab, while we started the Wave 3 and put on water for hot chocolate. Found out the hotdogs got left at home, so the double pack of bacon was opened as was the eggs. The whole time cooking, the 18 yo, 15 yo and the 11 yo twins were totally cutting up and sounded like a bunch of giggly middle school girls! After dinner, my daughter helped me peel and cut potatoes and onions and the other pack if bacon, and layered it all into the Dutch oven. All ready for breakfast, as was the coffee. We played games and watched a movie on the iPad till midnight when the 40 mph gusts subdued and we were lulled to sleep by the sound of crashing waves.

In the morning I woke up, turned on the Dutch oven and the coffee, and went outside to take pictures of the morning. Calm, cool and crisp and BEAUTIFUL!

The view out the window to the south.

The view out the window to the North

Kids warming up awaiting breakfast

The other two kids. The 6'3" 18yo was still tired and folded up under the table....

Breakfast cooking. Potatoes onions and bacon was done by 0900 and the kids were out the door ready to start riding right after that!

By then the sun was up, waves still crashing and the beach inviting us all! But still chilly at around 30F...


  • One of the main reasons this is our favorite beach camp spot is all the beaches and trails to rid the bikes on. And in the summer there is the river to fish in on one side and the ocean on the other side!

    Here the 18 yo is showing the 11 yo boy and girl twins how to shoot his 12ga.

    If you look to the left you will see a piece of firewood standing up as the target. My daughter did better than her brother....

    Once on the bikes, the younger three forgot about shooting, and went riding...

    They were having a great day, and even pulled off their jackets at one point. It was a whole 34F....

    This was dad's warm up shack, where I kept the hot chocolate and coffee flowing, and where I got lunch ready.

    And here I turned the truck around and reconnected the trailer, since I could not get into the sugar sand without gettin stuck....

    My 18 yo hiked around with his 22 trying to find a squirrel or a snowshoe bunny, but relegated himself to practice on a soda can he found floating in the river, then recovered it after blowing several holes in it. In the summer we would be pulling salmon or dolly varden out if it.
