Forum Discussion

  • I very much enjoyed the video. A great companion to your wonderful trip report. Thanks for taking the time to put it together.
  • Excellent video!

    Very good resolution, nicely timed with the music, nice mix of stills and moving scenes, a very good pace...

    What was the equipment and editing software?

    I used my cell phone (Samsung) to video our Florida expe. Never used any stills. A very different approach for us.

  • Totally amazing. The penguins were a surprise.

    Thank you for sharing your adventure.
  • silversand wrote:

    What was the equipment and editing software?

    I used my cell phone (Samsung) to video our Florida expe. Never used any stills...

    I now use Magix Movie Edit Pro 2013. I used to use Sony Vegas, but I had to upgrade it to handle 1280p video, and found that on my fairly low-spec PC it was impossible - the preview just didn't work.

    It isn't perfect on Magix, but it is still reasonably usable. At some point I'll buy a more powerful laptop, but I wasn't prepared to do so just for one piece of software.

    The video is shaky, but then it is filmed using a Nikon Coolpix AW100 waterproof compact camera - not people's first choice of video camera.

  • Very nice, I wish I had the patience and expertise to produce something similar. I lack both in equal measure. Great job! It was a fun watch.
  • I read your trip report, but this takes the report to another level. Just amazing, thanks for posting and allowing us to travel along.
  • Well Well! I wonder what it would have been like if you had a real video camera and a steadycam...marvelous job. Enjoyed it no end. You looked happy at the end...good shot!
  • Nicely done Steve and Sally. It brings a little different perspective to the same sights in your trip reports. For me, it was especially so for the 4x4 to get to it campground and the beach camping.