I guess it comes down to the fact that I have never owned a diesel and have a slight fear of them. I have heard horror stories about high dollar repairs, trucks going into limp mode, etc. Money is not really a factor in terms of purchasing a new truck (gas vs. diesel) and I am really good about maintenance on my vehicles.
My goal for the future 5'er is it must be 35' or less (my covered storage lot is 35X12 feet) in length. What I have noticed is there is a huge difference in weights on 32'-35' 5'ers. Some weight as little as 8,000lbs dry and some are over 11,000lbs dry. I was leaning towards the diesel so I wouldn't have to limit my choices on what future 5'er we get. I just don't want to mess up a $50k+ truck by driving it as a normal daily driver vehicle.