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MetalGator's avatar
Oct 29, 2013

Trouble deciding 2014 Ram

I will be ordering a 2014 RAM 3500 SRW in the next couple of months. I am really having a hard time deciding on whether to get the 6.4L Hemi Gas or the Cummins. Initially I was leaning towards the gas motor for several reasons. I only put about 7000 miles a year on my vehicles. This truck would be my daily driver and my work is only 6 miles away. I have heard driving diesels for short distances is bad.

But now I am leaning towards the Cummins. The wife and I are looking a fifth wheels (currently have a TT) and every time we go to a show, she seems to keep looking at bigger and bigger units. I believe the 6.4 Hemi would be fine towing what I am looking for but there really isn't any data available yet on this motor since no one seems to have one. The other thing I noticed locally is that about 90+ percent of the 2500/3500s around here are diesels (regardless of brand). I guess I have a fear of diesels. I read about high pressure pump problems, having to use DEF, higher maintenance cost, etc, etc. I plan on keeping this truck for at least 8-10 years so I want to make sure I don't "mess up" and buy the wrong thing. Anyone else do short daily (going to work) trips with their diesels? I usually tow our TT once a month so occasionally the truck with get a workout.

I will also mention that price is not really a concern to me since it seems that you get most of your initial diesel investment ($8000+) back when you sell the truck. I just don't want to kill the motor with my short daily drives.

  • Gas or diesel, for a short commute, use lower gears. Both engines need to get up to operating temp. Enjoy your new truck. I'd buy a long bed.......
  • WyoTraveler wrote:
    Can you get the 6.4 gas with a 410 rear axle?

    Yes. The 6.4 gas with 4.10 tows 15,730lbs. The 6.7 Diesel tows 17,350lbs with the 3.42 gear. This is with crew cab, short box 3500s.
  • Can you get the 6.4 gas with a 410 rear axle?

    The only problem I had with my 7.3 diesel was cold weather and only driving once a week or less. I went to gas for that reason. One time 60 below zero wind chill and waitng for a tow truck. However, drive them often and no problem.
  • Dont worry about the dsl and def or regens. At the most you will have to take the truck for a 30 mile or so drive to complete a regen.
  • I guess one thing I would be concerned with the new gas motor, is that it is a new motor.Usually the first year or two, all auto manufacturers have multiple problems with the roll out. I have 2010 Ram 2500, Cummins diesel. You can't ask for a better tow vehicle. I had Dodge Hemi a few years ago and like the Cummins much better. Especially, if you're planning on keeping it awhile. They will roll 200,000 miles easily. The short trips are an issue. But I drive mine every day to drop the kids off at school and to the grocery store. It doesn't blow up or anything, just need to run it hard once in a while to clean it out. Maintenance isn't any harder than any other engine. I do change the fuel filter myself every 10,0000 miles.
  • I went Cummins-tows great(about 12000 lbs.)-if you want to tow the big "C" is the way to go!-whsk
  • Wow - I sure wouldn't let DEF influence my decision. I use about one gallon every 1100 miles. It costs about $4-5 per gallon and is available in most auto parts stores and truck stops now.
  • boogie_4wheel wrote:

    I'm really interested in the 6.4L. I've been nudging the wife about a new crew cab 6.4L 2500 with the air ride! If I actually had the money I would drop my Cummins for one in a heartbeat, no bigger than my trailer is.

    I am really interested in the 6.4L as well. Apparently, there is a hold on them right now for quality inspections. I'm not sure what the deal is but several people on are upset because they ordered trucks back in August with the 6.4 and they are being held. Maybe this is normal for a new motor.

    The 5'ers the wife likes are approaching 14,000lbs GVWR. The 6.4L with 4.10 gears is rated for 15K+ but people tell me I won't be happy with the performance. I live in Florida so there aren't any hills so not sure if that will be an issue.
  • The short trips are going to cause the DPF to plug, and you are gonna have to get it out on the road to do a regen (but not as much because of the DEF). I would let the size of the trailer determine the powerplant.

    I'm really interested in the 6.4L. I've been nudging the wife about a new crew cab 6.4L 2500 with the air ride! If I actually had the money I would drop my Cummins for one in a heartbeat, no bigger than my trailer is.
  • I love my '14 3500 RAM DRW! DEF is a non issue. One 5.5 gal fill goes thousands of miles. Since you are looking at trailers. a diesel is a very good way to go. Do it, don't look back.

    The new ones are 15,000 mile service intervals. Not much cost per mile there.