CAJW - I am not familiar enough with the trail to identify exactly where I was at. I do know there were no TCs. :B
billtex- You are sure hard on the 4x4 crowd. I have heard some of them make comments on RVs that look like homes for the homeless. Especially true when they drive their 4x4 to Walmart. :B
I can't see where TCs are being compared to tents or anything else. For me, I don't have a truck, TC, Tent, Tent Cot, and a Samurai just to have them. Each contribute to my entertainment for exploring, general camping, providing me with the opportunity to be creative through modifying them. If I only had a single interest, then that would be my focus.
I could make a list of rube goldberg contraptions, but the list would only be based on my interest. I am not sure a roof top tent as an accident just waiting to happen is as likely as a motorcycle accident.
I don't know if I will ever use my Tent Cot on the Roof of me TC, but it will be an option, if for no other reason just because I can.
Less Stuff - I think this thread breaks the routine of the typical TC thread. As a Moderator, I considered moving it out of the TC Forum, but realized is is part of the TC experience for many of us. I frequently tow my Samurai to places I have to leave my TC. Sometimes I use my TC as a base camp and go exploring, with the option of using my Tent Cot is needed for long rides. There is nothing at all wrong to start thread in fun. Unfortunately, some folks have trouble with humor.