The OK117DBL has 4 (queen, dinette, couch/bed, and bunk above couch) I assume the Eagle Cap 1160/1165 could do the same if Adventurer can do the bunk option still (they bought the business from Okanagan).
We got the 117DBL for the exact reason you note (2 kids, needed sep sleeping quarters). The bunk was a HUGE fave for the kids, and it was cute to boot. It stows out of the way when not in use, but we've never stowed it, TBH.
StowedUnstowedGratuitous (and old, as they are both grown up now) in use shotThe couch pulls out to a bed, but I don't have pics of it in that config it seems (when kids got old enough to use it that way, they were camera averse... :-)
We've been super happy with the setup, and we'll keep it for grandkids, should we be blessed with them.