Well I guess I can answer some of the questions on the gasser. This past summer we left our place in Arkansas with our Northern Lite 10 2 CDSE loaded with also a front carrier with a tool box loaded with a 2000i Honda and 7.5 gallons of gas along with numerous other items pulling a 17' boat with a 90 HP Honda and a 5 HP Honda. We were driving a 2011 F350 KR CC LB 4X4 6.2V8 gas engine 4.30 axle with 19.5 tires. We were heading to Montana and dropping off the boat there and continuing on to Alaska. We went all over Alaska and Yukon and BC. By the time we came home a little over 2 months later and had covered 11,000 miles. We pulled passes in Montana and ones in BC, Alaska along the way. For the entire trip we averaged 10.88 MPG and this was hand calculated. There were a few times I could have used a little more power but we still made it , just not quite as fast as I wanted to but still never slowed traffic down.
So the weight of our NL dry is 3010# and when we are loaded we are right at 4000# or a little over. The truck handled it fine and never felt like it was dangerous or that I was pushing it.
I now have a 2013 Ram diesel dually but the main reason for this is I'm going to start pulling my enclosed trailer and at times our Jeep Grand Cherokee so wanted a little more juice for towing performance.