Forum Discussion

gearry's avatar
Dec 17, 2018

Truck Recommendations

I suspect I may get some strong opinions, but I am looking to learn, so let me have it. I'm looking for truck recommendations for a possible camper project. My wife and I are contemplating a truck camper. Specifically we are looking at a Jayco Jay Hunter 1150 Eco, which we like. However, we're not really truck people, so I'm trying to learn as much as I can to see if we can make this work. To give a little background, we currently travel all around the northeast US and Canada in either a Subaru Forrester or our Honda Odyssey camper conversion. We usually travel with canoes/kayaks and mountain bikes half of the year, and cross country skis the other half. Even with our current vehicles, anything resembling a road on the map is generally fair game. We've certainly pushed the limits of each vehicle. Here are some features I think we want based on what I already know:

-capable of reliably carrying specified truck camper in a variety of road conditions, probably looking at a 1 ton pickup with appropriate bed
-comfortable for at least three passengers over long distance;something like a true crew cab would be nice; tiny doors and seats are not going to cut it
-cost is a consideration, so walking down to the dealer and picking up a brand new, all the bells and whistles, super duper "perfect" platform is unlikely. Think budget and value.
-reliability is important. With some luck we might be driving this cross country summer 2019, but I at least want something I can reasonably count on when I'm a few hours drive off the pavement in remote northern Maine.

That's what I have to start with. I'm interested in any thoughts.
  • Tvov's avatar
    Explorer II
    trail-explorer wrote:
    Photomike wrote:
    I am not a fan on diesels as the cost of tune-ups,

    Not sure what kind of a "tune-up" a diesel needs.

    I think the term "tune up" has changed over the decades. Most vehicles today do not need a classic tune up, which included cleaning / replacing points and adjusting timing (I still have a timing gun).

    "Tune up" today, for me at least, means oil and oil filter changed, check air filter, possibly change the fuel filter, check fluid levels, and... that's about it! Maybe a general walk around, checking tire tread and pressures, etc.
  • trail-explorer wrote:
    Photomike wrote:
    I am not a fan on diesels as the cost of tune-ups,

    Not sure what kind of a "tune-up" a diesel needs.

    oil changes (more frequent), filters (more frequent) fuel additives to combat the effects of ULSD on the engine (all the time) and DEF in nbew trucks (all the time).

    I'd get a gas motor as well and I will in my new truck if, I ever buy one.
  • trail-explorer wrote:
    Photomike wrote:
    I am not a fan on diesels as the cost of tune-ups,

    Not sure what kind of a "tune-up" a diesel needs.

    But if someone charges ya for one it ain't gonna be cheap!
  • Photomike wrote:
    I am not a fan on diesels as the cost of tune-ups,

    Not sure what kind of a "tune-up" a diesel needs.
  • Fwiw
    Ive been driving Chevys for over 40 years and never had any problems with either engine or trannys..but then I always buy new and dont race or abuse it.

    Stay away from trucks modified in any way,guys that put big wheels on and chip the computer to go faster will cause premature wear of many components and you may have do some repairs soon no doubt.
  • You can usually find good deals on big trucks as people buy them then find out what it costs to run them.

    I am not a fan on diesels as the cost of tune-ups, oil changes etc are a lot more and if they sit for long periods of time you can get issues with the injectors.

    Make sure the camper will fit the truck (bed size and tailgate opening).
  • It’s kind of a no-brainer, a 4x4 crew cab dually of whatever brand you like or get a deal on.
    If I were after a new one today I think I’d get the gas engine.
    Mileage is almost as good nowadays, they have plenty of power and cost a LOT less.
    And are quite reliable.
  • One ton gassers are available and a heck of a lot cheaper. With a camper and possibly a trailer for the tows you really dont need a diesel. Depends on the weight of the camper consider a dually for the extra stability.
    BTW there is no need to spend 75K on a truck. A well equipped crew cab dually 4x4 gas motor should be able to be had for under 50K.
  • Old camper, not much for specs around, I'm sure. Assuming loaded camper is under say 4500lbs, any good condition of the last 15 years, long bed HD srw truck with the right upgrades will haul it fine. Any dually will haul it with even greater stability and less mods needed or if the camper is even heavier.
    We can save the brand wars for another thread...