Reddog1 wrote:
My truck is pretty much the same as yours. Mine is an auto with the same gears. I do not have an exhaust brake. I am the third owner of my '04. The previous owner installed Stableloads. My 4000 lb Bigfoot TC does put the overloads in contact with the Stableloads. I probably would do fine without the Stableloads but my preference is minimal rear sag.
I installed airbags when I got the truck. So far, they have been a waste of money. In the future I may tow heavy while hauling the TC, then I will appreciate the airbags.
My '04 did not have an anti sway bar. I was fine with it, but the wife was not. The sway bar does make a noticeable difference. I think it is something you can add later if your truck does not have one.
I used 3/4" thick horse stall mats cut in approx 12" wide strips to allow my TC to go over my 5th wheel rails. They are heavy enough they will not blow out when I haul my 5th wheel, yet small enough I can remove them if I choose to do so.
Wayne, your 'Largefoot' (pun intended) weighs at least a third again as much as his proposed pop up TC. I personally think he will be fine with just the stock suspension on a 35 series pickup.