Forum Discussion

dakonthemountai's avatar
Oct 03, 2014

Truck starter dead?

Hi guys,

Not sure if this should be posted here, but here goes. Batteries in camper at full charge. Everything working bright and full Truck battery is at 13.2V. Lights bright, windows at full speed, etc., etc. However when I try to start the truck I get the dreaded "click," indicating a dead battery! However the lights do not dim or even flicker when I do this...... HELP!! I'm supposed to move the truck out of the drive tomorrow for a driveway resurfacing and I'm stumped as to what the issue is. Starter connection?... starter dead?....

Thanks in advance for any insight!

  • bobman wrote:
    Start with the simple stuff verify you have a good connection on all wires and ground, that's the most likely problem.

    Then if that checks out try tapping on the starter while your wife turns the key.


    While I always check all possibilites (batteries etc)-- every time I have had starter issues it has always been the ground for me- the connection from the strap to the block or frame. If the ground is red hot---well there's your sign.
  • DAK ,
    If the above doesn't work.
    Try putting in neutral . Some Ford trucks have a short in the neutral safety switch.
  • One more thing if it is the starter have the oem one rebuilt at a good rewind shop otherwise you will end up with cheap Chinese rebuild quality from most auto parts stores

    I got three bad ones in a row from autozone before I figured this out so then I researched and found someone local to rework it correctly
  • Start with the simple stuff verify you have a good connection on all wires and ground, that's the most likely problem.

    Then if that checks out try tapping on the starter while your wife turns the key.
  • Could be the starter on the truck. I've never tried this but some say if the solenoid of the starter is stuck you can tap it will a hammer and it may allow it to work again.
    I suppose you have tried jump starting the truck battery to be sure it's not weak?
    Good Luck