Yes that is what it sounds like, they didnt do their part to uphold a quality business relationship and are not worthy or your business. Typically I sit down with my salesman and we go through all the vehicles on the computer in the area that meet my wants, and we progressivly go futher out until we find what I want, or dont. You should never have to do that yourself unless you want to.
The salesperson is obviously very important. I have always had the best experience with commercial salesmen. The good ones have almost no turn over at a dealership. Its a good position to hold, repeat, well healed customers, but of course they can be demanding. The commercial salesmen know the value of a quality customer relationship. They are by far the most knowledgeable about the product line. When submitting Gov/municipal bids, make a mistake and it can be hugely costly to the dealership. If they dont know the product, they dont stay in that position. The most clued in salesperson in the dealership, is typically the commercial/Gov. salesman for that reason. Perhaps than can help next time.