Oct 17, 2013Explorer
True north: Tucson to Inuvik, NWT (almost)
I set off to drive the Dempster Highway to Inuvik, NWT. Didn't make the last 100 miles of so as will be explained -- but it was a great trip anyway. Most of my photos and descriptions are on my web site, here , and a few teaser photos follow.

Impromptu campsite, eastern Wyoming - 2nd night on the road.

Part of the Teton range -- sure looks like a scene from Lord of the Rings to me.

Mt Teton -- happy to say I've never seen any that look like this.

Here we go --

Tombstone Mountains -- sure can't complain about this road.

The Klondike River

The Ogilvie Ridge

At the Arctic Circle -- brrr, 15 degrees

Just kidding. 15C, that's 59F.

Not the place to be if you're looking for company.

The Peel River -- end of the line for me due to incompetent ferry non-operation.

Now what could that be?

Oh, a Grizzly, now about 40 yards away. He just kept going.

Close encounter of the cloud kind.

On the South Klondike Road to Skagway.

On the Cassiar Highway

Finding a campsite in BC.

The Oregon 'badlands' - not so bad.

Saddle Bag Lake, Tioga Pass, 10100 ft. Thought I might find jefe4x4 here, but I was a couple of days early.

Finally, the Sierras, while heading for Death Valley. Mt Whitney is second from the left, farthest away.
Hope you enjoy the pictures. It was a lot of driving in a short time, but worth it to me.
Impromptu campsite, eastern Wyoming - 2nd night on the road.
Part of the Teton range -- sure looks like a scene from Lord of the Rings to me.
Mt Teton -- happy to say I've never seen any that look like this.
Here we go --
Tombstone Mountains -- sure can't complain about this road.
The Klondike River
The Ogilvie Ridge
At the Arctic Circle -- brrr, 15 degrees
Just kidding. 15C, that's 59F.
Not the place to be if you're looking for company.
The Peel River -- end of the line for me due to incompetent ferry non-operation.
Now what could that be?
Oh, a Grizzly, now about 40 yards away. He just kept going.
Close encounter of the cloud kind.
On the South Klondike Road to Skagway.
On the Cassiar Highway
Finding a campsite in BC.
The Oregon 'badlands' - not so bad.
Saddle Bag Lake, Tioga Pass, 10100 ft. Thought I might find jefe4x4 here, but I was a couple of days early.
Finally, the Sierras, while heading for Death Valley. Mt Whitney is second from the left, farthest away.
Hope you enjoy the pictures. It was a lot of driving in a short time, but worth it to me.