In HP and torque, the Toyota 5.7L engine is almost identical to the Ram Hemi and Ford 6.2L.
I pulled a 8000 lb Outback with my Tundra. It did very well and I would not be uncomfortable towing with it again. The reason I traded it on a F250 was for payload, not because the truck wasn't capable of towing. All of the 1/2 ton trucks suffer from payload issues, so all else considered, you would be OK throwing a dart at the wall.
As far as the EcoBoost.. There are a lot of people who are happy with them, but it's still a new motor to the heavy towing world. I personally would not chance one until it's had time to prove itself long term. A 10,000 lb trailer is going to put a lot of load on the mains and journals in that motor and it's going to have to deal with a lot of heat from those turbos running full tilt for days on end. It will be interesting to watch. My personal thought is when you're towing across the Colorado Rockies, there's no good, long term substitute for cubic inches.
There's a lot of chatter about MPG, but the reality is, if you are going to tow, get what does the job. If you are that concerned about fuel economy, you are in the wrong game. If I were that concerned about fuel consumption, I would have bought a VW and stayed in motels.