I guess I can chime in on the f150/f250 thought. My BIL bought the f150 with the all the bells, 4x4 4door, 3.73 gear and 5.0. He ran into some issues with payload, and could not haul his golf cart in the bed. He ran out of payload just in the camper hitch wieght and passengers alone. Just remember: the payload runs out a lot quicker then you will anticipate. He traded that truck in for an f250 gas job and has not looked back since. I don't recall the exact camper he owns but it was listed at around 7k dry wieght......yeah right, go get it weighed first then buy the truck to match up to it. That's why I went 3/4 ton, doesn't drive any different for me personally, and yes it's my daily driver. Granted when I bought my truck, my camper was made for a 1/2 ton, but like some things eventually, you upgrade and we went much larger. Thankfully I already had the truck paid for to handle it.....